Repeat Prescriptions

Order Prescriptions Online

Patients can order prescriptions online after signing up for online services.

The practice also accepts written prescription requests, which can be submitted in the letterbox outside the reception entrance. Please return the right hand side of your most recent prescription with the items you require clearly marked. If you have lost this please fill in one of the slips provided at the practice entrance.

Prescription requests should be submitted online or via written request only to reduce the risk of medication errors. However, we accept requests over the phone for patients who are housebound or blind. Additionally, if a medication request is very urgent we are able to take the request over the phone.

Please note that prescription requests take at least two working days to be processed. Due to this, we ask that patients submit their prescription request 3-5 days before they will run out of their medication.

Medication Reviews

Repeat medications are authorised for a number of weeks or months. After this time period you will need a medication review before you can re-order your medication. Medication reviews are usually carried out by the prescribing pharmacists at the practice. In some cases, they may be carried out by your doctor or nurse. To request a medication review, you can click the button below to fill out an online form. Alternatively, please request a review by phoning or emailing the practice.

You may be asked to have tests such as a blood test or blood pressure check as part of your review.

Request a Medication Review