Launch of Grange Connecting Communities to Health Initiative

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The Grange Medical Practice is proud to have launched a new community health initiative called Connecting Communities to Health (CCH). The aim of the project is to tackle health inequalities in local ethnic minority groups through community outreach.

CCH aims to make a difference in the following areas:

  • Improving the uptake of health and wellbeing checks
  • Improving the uptake of cancer screening
  • Improving the uptake of childhood immunistations and other vaccinations
  • Promoting better mental health and wellbeing
  • Healthy diet and lifestyle to reduce risk of chronic diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes

CCH will reach out through local organisations including places of worship and other existing community groups. CCH will also have ambassadors within the practice who can help patients and members of the local community overcome common barriers to accessing primary healthcare services. CCH ambassadors speak different languages including Urdu and Punjabi which will help patients with language barriers.