The Grange Group Practice works hard to ensure patients can access health care professionals and services when needed.
The appointment system is audited regularly to monitor the amount of “wasted” clinical time due to patients not attending appointments.
In an attempt to reduce the amount of missed appointments, the Grange Group Practice operate a strict Did Not Attend (DNA) Policy.
Patients are encouraged to cancel appointments in advance if they cannot attend.
DNA Policy Overview
The DNA policy states that patients who miss 2 appointments in a 12 month rolling period are sent a warning letter and added to a register or list.
If a patient misses 3 appointments in a 12 month rolling period, The Grange Group Practice reserves the right to remove that patient from the list.
The DNA policy allows the Practice to remove patients who frequently fail to attend appointments. This should result in greater availability of appointments for the rest of our patients.
How to cancel your appointment
The Grange Group Practice encourages patients to cancel appointments in advance if they are unable to attend.
This allows other patients to use the appointment slot.
There are many ways to cancel an appointment, including the following methods:
- Call us on 01484 428 282.
- Email us at
What to do if you are removed from the practice list
Patients who are removed from the list are encouraged to register with another GP Practice as soon as possible, to prevent any gaps in treatment or care.